A conversation about how i would NOT be able to live without my laptop became a dare...
well, i kinda needed a push to stop the distractions and start filling my lovely brain~ with some wonderful, useful information for my luckiest ever Friday the 13th exam!
At first, I seriously had withdawal symptoms.. i mean, being away from the internet by choice is SO much harder.. but after a while, i was surprisingly feeling okay with it.. except I was really missing my bloggers, and their posts :'(
and guessss WhaT?
as of right now, I Officially WON the bet!! WoHoooooWW!
Here's to my technology independence!
me, Atoona, was able to live 10 days with-out the use of MY laptop, any computer, or any internet for that matter!
that's 1 whole week and three days people!
Now a really special... (and maybe a little bit MEAN ;p) person owes me a HANDWRITTEN real life letter sent all the way from across the globe! ... with a real STAMP on it =D
42 new e-mails.. and god knows how many posts to catch up on... gotta go read, and thanks for those who commented on my last post.. i'll reply after posting this ;)
(pic by xDimax)